The UCCE Master Gardeners Fresno County continue to support our efforts to create a sustainable community garden. The UCCE Master Gardeners and board members assist in advising, planning and developing our community garden and education component. Since 1981, the University of California Master Gardener Program has been extending UC research based information about home horticulture and pest management to the public. The UC Master Gardener Program is a public service and outreach program under the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR), administered locally by UC Cooperative Extension offices. Please visit them at
Champions for Change continues to support our efforts to create a community garden that promotes healthy living through nutrition. Their primary goal is to help reduce obesity and chronic diseases in Fresno County by developing a multi-sector coalition made up of community based organizations, schools, businesses and local agencies. Please visit them at their site:
We continue to cultivate our partnerships with the Reedley Middle College High School students and the Reedley High School Future Farmers of America Club. The staff support and volunteer assistance from the students has been tremendous. Their enthusiasm and energy continues to be the driving force that has enabled our garden to grow. With their help, we have created garden plots, planted seasonal vegetables, and built several garden benches. We are forever grateful!